In this trial it will be investigated how safe the investigational compound is and how well it is tolerated when it is used by healthy participants. Also, it will be investigated how quickly and to what extent the investigational compound is absorbed, transported and eliminated from the body.
The trial consists of three parts: part A, part B and part C. In part A you will receive the new compound once. One group in part A will consist of two periods where you receive the new compound once each period. The effect of food on this new compound will be investigated in this group. In part B you will receive the new compound once daily for 10 days. In part C we investigate whether approved compounds that are already available on the market (rosuvastatin, furosemide, midazolam, flurbiprofen and repaglinide) have an influence on the way the new compound is processed and eliminated by the body. This part will consist of two periods where you will receive the new compound once daily for 10 days in the second period.
Only for part A and B: During the trial your heart rhythm will be monitored for approximately 25 hours at one (part A) or two (part A food effect and part B) different moments. You will be given electrodes (small, plastic patches) on your chest and abdomen that are connected to a portable device. As soon as you are connected, you cannot use electric devices (razor, electric toothbrush, hairdryer) for the duration of the heart monitoring. The use of a phone or laptop is allowed, except for the moments you need to lay down. At certain time-points you will be asked to remain lying down for 15 minutes without moving, talking or sleeping.